December is Identity Theft Awareness & Prevention Month

Theft is both frustrating and costly. Sadly, during the Christmas season, gifts and other valuables become additional targets. Would you believe that even the Baby Jesus is a target? Yes, there is indeed an ongoing “tradition” of stealing Baby Jesus from nativity scenes across the US. While many owners attempt to secure the Baby Jesus,…

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How to Dispose of Old Hard Drives

DIY Hard Drive Destruction You will find an endless array of ideas on the internet of ways you can personally dispose of old hard drives. Some require chemicals or destructive tools, and most just require a lot of physical work. In most cases, you will still have to disassemble the outer structure to get at…

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Don’t Drop Your Documents in the Blue Bin

Recycle, recycle, recycle. You’ve had it drilled into your head for years to the point that now you just automatically recycle. If it feels like paper, smells like paper and looks like paper, it goes in the blue box. That’s a good thing, right? Most of the time, yes. But when it comes to confidential…

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When to Switch from One-Time Shredding to Routine

Observing the Changes According to the Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act (FACTA), shredding of sensitive documents is a legal obligation for all businesses. Destroying personally identifiable information (PII) protects your business, clients, and employees. If you have been shredding everything that has information on it, that’s great—but are you finding that your recycling bin…

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4 Questions Every Business Should Ask Their Shredding Provider

1. Is Your Business Locally Owned? If you are invested in your community, why not plan on supporting local businesses? When you “shop local,” those businesses are able to invest in your community by employing your neighbors and supporting local initiatives. A local business is more likely to offer you better service and more flexibility…

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Even the Deceased Are at Risk for Identity Theft

We consider children and the elderly to be among the most vulnerable population, but when it comes to identity theft, the deceased can be even more vulnerable because they have no voice of their own. Your loved ones who have completed life’s journey can be an easy target for thieves. Window of Opportunity “Ghosting” is…

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What Makes an Effective Document Shredding Policy?

Document Types Identifying the types of documents your company produces will help in developing an effective document shredding policy. Some documents are governed by different laws, like the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Documents can also fall under these categories: Temporary and permanent Historical…

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The Biggest Threats to Your Personal Information

Identifying Your Personal Information There once was a time when protecting your personal information was barely a concern. That time is long past, and securing your identifiable information is a bigger and much more difficult challenge now. With information being available on paper and in digital format, the gaps are larger and more numerous. Personally…

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Choosing the Right Shred Collection Container for Your Office

Shred collection containers are bins designed to securely store your discarded sensitive documents under lock and key until they are destroyed. The containers are designed like a mailbox with a one-way slot for depositing documents for shredding. For large-scale shredding, high-capacity bins are equipped with wheels to transport them more efficiently to the shredder. But…

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Why All Shredding Providers Are Not the Same

What are your priorities when selecting a shredding service provider for your documents and/or data destruction? Do you have some deal-breaker requirements? You may have some preferences that affect your choices, but there are also some mandatory items to consider. Here are some issues that make some shredding providers a better choice over others. Security…

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