Top 5 Signs It’s Time to Shred Your Old Documents
With identity theft affecting more businesses and individuals each year, safeguarding personal and sensitive information is crucial. Many businesses overlook the importance of properly disposing of office documents, potentially exposing themselves to cybercrimes and identity theft. Shredding documents is vital in securing confidential data, including financial records, medical information, legal documents, and other sensitive materials.…
Read More A Senior’s Guide to the Do’s and Don’ts of Document Shredding
In today’s digital world, seniors are increasingly targeted by identity thieves and scammers. One way to protect yourself from these threats is by properly disposing of personal documents. Wiggins Shredding is here to help you navigate the do’s and don’ts of document shredding, ensuring your sensitive information remains secure. The Importance of Document Shredding Identity…
Read More Proper X-Ray Waste Disposal: Ensuring Compliance and Environmental Responsibility
Proper disposal of X-rays is paramount for both environmental preservation and public health. While X-rays are invaluable tools in healthcare, their disposal poses significant risks if not managed correctly. Improper disposal threatens environmental integrity and exposes individuals to health hazards. This blog explores the importance of proper x-ray disposal, & x-ray recycling services. Regulatory requirements,…
Read More Document Shredding for Tax Season in PA, NJ, DE, & MD
You should shred tax documents that the IRS doesn’t require to protect your identity and finances. Tax season document shredding is common, but you must identify the files you can safely dispose of and those you need to keep. Here’s an overview of tax document shredding guidelines to help you identify documents you should be…
Read More What Belongs and What Doesn’t: Guidelines for Shred Collection Containers
When it comes to hamburgers, everyone has their preferences, whether it’s the classic combination of lettuce, tomato, onion and pickles, or more adventurous toppings like broccoli, peanut butter, sunny-side-up eggs and yes, even mac and cheese as toppings. Burger restaurants might allow you to “have it your way,” but there are some things, like shred…
Read More Fact Check: Does HIPAA Specify a Shred Size for Document Destruction?
Fact checking is a crucial process that involves verifying the accuracy of reports and statements. It dates back to the 1850s with the rise of sensationalist newspapers. Inaccurate information can take various forms, such as propaganda, fake news, disinformation, and misinformation. When it comes to HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) requirements for document…
Read More Top 10 Tips for Identity Theft Awareness & Prevention Month
Remember the iconic Top 10 List on Late Night with David Letterman? The very first one was televised 38 years ago. When David moved from NBC to CBS, NBC claimed the Top 10 List was intellectual property, but that didn’t hold water because David knew NBC had stolen it from other resources in the first…
Read More Why Free Hard Drive Shredding is a Bad Idea
In the pursuit of cost-cutting measures within your business, it is important to proceed carefully, especially when considering “free” services. More often than not, choosing a cost-free solution leads to poor or incomplete results, often burdened with hidden catches or unmet expectations. The adage, “You get what you pay for,” holds especially true when dealing…
Read More Safeguarding Your Finances: Navigating Fraud Awareness Week
Fraud Awareness Week takes place from November 12-18, 2023. This annual event provides an important opportunity assess your financial security and take measures to safeguard your assets. For business leaders, it’s a chance to review security policies with your employees, while individuals can use this time to conduct an annual checkup at both work and…
Read More Reclaiming Your Space: A Guide to Managing Expired Files
Is your facility feeling increasingly cramped, with limited available space? It may be due to a growing number of boxes filled with expired files that are gradually taking over and stealing valuable space. If it’s become all too convenient to place expired files into a box and add it to the ever-growing stack in a…
Read More Shredding is for More than Just Paper
History of Shredding Since the inception of shredding, the primary purpose of a shredder has been to destroy paper documents quickly and conveniently, making the information unreadable. That same basic purpose exists today, although shredding equipment has improved and legal requirements for information destruction have become more advanced. 1930s The first shredder was created by…
Read More Drop-Off Shredding is Easy and Secure
If you watched Sesame Street on television when you were growing up, you might be familiar with the 1968 song, “One of These Things Is Not Like the Others.” The game of selecting the one different thing among four items was intended to engage children to be actively involved in problem solving and to observe…
Read More Documents You Should Be Shredding
Knowing what documents to shred, and when to shred them, is an important factor for any business that creates or handles documents containing personally identifiable information (PII). It’s your responsibility to protect your clients and employees from identity theft. To make the task more manageable, here’s a list to help you identify the types of…
Read More Do You Know the Data Privacy Laws Affecting Your Business?
The amount of digital data created every day is staggering. Much of the information that is created contains private and personal information. That information may belong to your clients, employees, or business partners. If any of those documents contain private information, it must be properly destroyed at the end of its lifespan. State and federal…
Read More Celebrate Financial Awareness Day with Document Shredding
What do Oprah Winfrey, Jim Carrey, and Leonardo DiCaprio have in common? They came from a financially poor upbringing and had enough desire to escape it. DiCaprio grew up poor in a neighborhood plagued with prostitution, crime, and violence. Oprah spent her first six years living in rural poverty, wearing dresses made of potato sacks.…
Read More Prevent Your Data from Ending up in a Landfill, or Worse
A Penny for His Thoughts When I was a kid, our family would do an annual spring cleaning and transport a load of unneeded items to the local landfill. There was an attendant at the landfill site who would direct residents and garbage trucks where to unload. He would often walk around the discarded piles…
Read More What Should Accountants Look for in a Shredding Company?
As an accountant, you know the importance of keeping your client’s financial information confidential and protected. Financial information and statements are an incredibly valuable commodity to identity thieves, so the protection of that information is vital. Secure destruction of discarded financial information is a must, so it is critical to find the right shredding company…
Read More What Makes Professional Shredding So Much Better than DIY?
“Time is Money” That pithy observation of truth, also known as an aphorism, was originally written to emphasize the monetary cost of laziness, but over time, the phrase has become so much more than that. The availability of professional shredding has lent even greater weight to this popular saying. Cost of Staff Time and Morale…
Read More Why Mobile Shredding is on the Rise
How Did We Get Here? – A Brief History We live in an ever-changing culture intended to improve our lifestyle, our environment, and our workplace. The choice to destroy information on paper probably dates back to the invention of papyrus in 4000 BC, when information was no longer limited to cave walls and awkward heavy…
Read More How to Choose a Commercial Shredding Company
Congratulations on making the wise choice to outsource your shredding needs and partner with a shredding company for your business! Engaging a reputable shredding company for your information destruction needs is not only a cost-effective solution in the long run, but also the best way to ensure compliance with data privacy laws. As you embark…
Read More Test Your Business Document Shredding Knowledge
As of 2014, how many Trivial Pursuit Games have been sold worldwide? That would make a great trivia question for the game itself, whose concept is quite simple: Correctly answer a factual trivia question and score one point. It’s time to play a new version called Business Document Shredding Trivial Pursuit! It’s also simple: Attempt…
Read More Use Financial Literacy Month to Protect Your Identity
April is Financial Literacy Month There are three basic yet important factors you can use April’s designation as Financial Literacy Month to help you focus on: Manage your money Build your savings Protect your finances If you don’t remain vigilant about protecting your personal finances, managing and building them could be all for naught. The…
Read More Earth Day and Shredding Are a Dynamic Duo
Historical Dynamic Duos We are fascinated by dynamic duos; couples that go together so well they become iconic. Take these examples: Romeo & Juliet (Shakespeare, 1597) Batman & Robin (DC Comics, 1940) John Lennon & Paul McCartney (The Beatles, 1957) Bert & Ernie (Sesame Street, 1969) R2-D2 & C3P0 (Star Wars, 1977) Mario & Luigi…
Read More Is Your Business Compliant with 2023 Data Privacy Laws?
2023 is expected to mark the beginning of a considerable change in US data privacy laws. Is your business ready? In the past, the US has allowed businesses and other organizations to collect personal information without consent, using and sharing it for their own benefit. Federal laws designed to protect this information have been in…
Read More Do I Really Need a Certificate of Destruction for Shredding?
Who Needs One? If you think about it, lots of companies shred their documents in house without the benefit of a Certificate of Destruction. They may assume that as long as nothing goes wrong, they don’t need one, but it is also an important document to have when everything is going right. In fact, it…
Read More How Drop-Off Shredding Works
Whether you run a small business or a household full of paper documents, it’s important to protect you, your company, and your family against identity thieves from stealing your private information from your garbage or recycling bins. Believe it or not, choosing to shred your own documents before disposing of them is likely taking up…
Read More When It’s Time to Break up with Your Shredding Machine
A One-Way Conversation with the Shredding Machine It’s not you, it’s me. Wait, that’s not true. It is you. And it’s not working out. We both wanted it to work, and I kept propping up this ineffective relationship by turning a blind eye. But now I have to literally pull the plug and go my…
Read More 4 Commonly-Forgotten Documents You Should Shred
You’re diligent about shredding documents because you know that in 2021, there were 5.7 million reports of identity theft and fraud, totaling $5.8 billion in losses, and you refuse to be a statistic. In your deliberate attempt to protect the information on your printed documents by having them professionally shredded, you may be inadvertently tossing…
Read More How the FACTA Disposal Rule Affects Your Business
About one of every twenty Americans are affected by identity theft. Affected US citizens lose $17 billion annually. What Does FACTA Require? The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA) Disposal Rule requires your business to properly destroy and dispose of sensitive information at the end of its lifecycle. The purpose of the disposal rule,…
Read More Common Misconceptions about Shredding
Whether your business shreds documents on a regular basis or not, here are a few misconceptions about shredding. Misconception #1: Shredding is Recommended, Not Mandatory The size or type of business you have has no effect on whether you are required to shred your documents or not. The fact is, the simple act of collecting,…
Read More Identity Theft Awareness & Prevention Month: A Primer
December Happenings When it comes to holiday celebrations and identity theft, one takes planning and the other can happen without your help. Each year, the increase in physical and digital purchases in December causes a corresponding increase in identity theft. Identity Theft Awareness and Prevention Month is intended to help consumers be more alert and…
Read More A Day in the Life of a Mobile Shredding Truck
It’s a Beautiful Day for Shredding It’s a beautiful Tuesday morning and the sun has just risen above the horizon. I am one of several large secure commercial trucks parked in a secure area at a shredding company, but my driver likes to refer to me as an “office on wheels.” My cargo area is…
Read More Why International Fraud Awareness Week is Important
Important Statistics 46% of surveyed organizations reported experiencing fraud, corruption, or other economic crimes in the last 24 months. Those odds are a clear indication of the importance of fraud awareness initiatives. While protecting against fraud is a round-the-clock requirement, International Fraud Awareness Week encourages us to know the facts, evaluate the health of our…
Read More It’s Purge Time for Your Records
I walked through the records department of our office. I stopped and watched as Alison, one of our staff members, was pushing the edges of file folders down as she desperately tried to close the file cabinet drawer with her shoulder while holding three other bulging file folders in her other hand. “What are you…
Read More Get the Most out of Cybersecurity Awareness Month
In 2004, the President of the United States and Congress declared October to be Cybersecurity Awareness Month to help individuals protect themselves online since cyberattacks have become more frequent. During October, take some time to evaluate how well your data is protected from cybercrime. Here are some starting points to help you keep your business…
Read More What to Look for in an e-Destruction Provider
You might be familiar with the services of paper shredders, but how much do you know about e-destruction providers? At some point, everyone needs to dispose of old hard drives, CDs, DVDs, and Blu-rays. Have you been storing them in a closet because you don’t know what to do with them, or have you been…
Read More How a Shredding Service Can Help Your Office Go Green
The Origin of Green It is believed that the beginning of America’s green movement dates back to Henry David Thoreau’s writings in the 19th century. In his book The Maine Woods, the writer spoke of the “green” life, referring to the need for conservation, forest preservation, and respect for nature. Going green has been on…
Read More Your Questions about Hard Drive Shredding Answered
1. Why should I shred my hard drives? Poor handling and improper disposal of hard drives will make your business noncompliant with data privacy laws. Disposing of hard drives in the garbage allows them to be stolen by a data thief. Any information that remains on the drives can be used to steal your identity…
Read More On Financial Awareness Day, Celebrate with Identity Protection
How to Celebrate Financial Awareness Day on August 14 Call your friends and tell them you’re having a party on August 14th, and when they say they have no money, say, “Perfect, it’s free! See you here!” Promise that the party will be fun and what you’re asking them to contribute will cost nothing. How…
Read More The Right Way to Dispose of Medical and Legal Records
Dumping Records All you have to do is Google the phrase, “medical information found in dumpster,” and you will find endless news headlines from back alleys all over the USA about medical and legal practices tossing client records directly into a dumpster, leaving it wide open to dumpster divers. Some of these culprits who are…
Read More Why Shredding Your Confidential Documents is Better Than Burning Them
Problems with Burning Documents There’s a reason that shredding is the most recommended and popular way to destroy your confidential documents in order to render them unreadable and impossible to reconstruct. But maybe you’ve wondered why businesses don’t choose to just burn them. You would think it would be cheaper, easier and just as productive,…
Read More How to Tell if Your Document Disposal Policy Needs Work
Have you ever heard of the story about the boiling frog? The premise is that if a frog is placed into boiling water, it will jump out. But if it is put in water that is room temperature and the water is slowly brought to a boil, the frog won’t realize the danger and will…
Read More Why Dumpster Divers Love DIY Shredding
Confessions of a Dumpster Diver It’s not exactly something you put on your resume or use as a conversation starter at the bar, but I will say that my career as “dumpster diver” is an incredibly lucrative gig. Of course, you have to know what you’re doing, and I humbly admit, I know exactly what…
Read More Are You Up to Date on Compliance?
Two Idioms about Compliance “Use it or lose it.” You may have heard this phrase used in a variety of situations. It’s the concept that, whatever the skill or practice you use, you need to keep it at peak strength by actively practicing or reviewing that ability, otherwise it starts to atrophy. “Get up to…
Read More What is a Certificate of Destruction?
There is a strange dichotomy between what a Certificate of Destruction (COD) represents and what it provides. On one hand, it represents proof of destruction—and on the other, represents proof of compliance. A COD serves both purposes so you don’t have to choose one or the other. A Certificate of Destruction Represents Proof of Destruction…
Read More Downsizing for Hybrid Workforce? What to Do with Business Records
Now that the dust is starting to settle after two years of the unknown, downsizing for a hybrid workforce may be your step towards efficiency for the future. On your checklist, be sure to include downsizing and updating your business records. To be efficient and get off to a great start, make sure your records…
Read More What Does Paper Shredding Have to Do with Earth Day?
In 1909, the first US patent for a paper shredder was issued. In 1970, Earth Day was established as a day dedicated to bringing environmental issues to the forefront. What do these two things have to do with each other? More than you might think. Here we explain how closely they are related. The Benefits…
Read More So, You’ve Done a File Room Purge…Now What?
A file room purge can be an overwhelming, yet necessary, task. The benefits of doing a file purge are that it allows you additional space, keeps your business and files organized, and ensures retention dates are monitored. It’s also a great way to foster teamwork and staff comradery. After the Purge With your inactive and…
Read More If a Thief Doesn’t Get Your Data, These Things Probably Will
You may not think anyone wants your personal information, but you would be amazed at its potential value. In 1998, a Brazilian man used the identity of a boy who had died in 1979 to apply for a US passport, renew it six times over the next 20 years, obtain a marriage license, acquire a…
Read More How to Choose a Local Shredding Company in Tri-State MD, DE and NJ
The Local Community We’re constantly encouraged to use local businesses. Is it really valuable to do that? Or do you feel, being a local business, it’s just a plea to draw customers? The truth is, it is hugely beneficial. Here’s why. It strengthens your local economy. Statistics say that for every dollar you spend locally,…
Read More When to Switch from One-Time Shredding to Routine Shredding
You make decisions every day and some are easier to make than others. Sometimes we put off making a decision because procrastination is an option and it’s an easier solution. Deciding when it’s time to move from one-time shredding to routine shredding may not be blatantly obvious, but doing a quick evaluation of your situation…
Read More Where Does My Shredded Paper Go?
Paper in the Grocery Aisle As you push your shopping cart through the grocery aisle, have you ever considered that the cereal box you put in your cart was once someone else’s business paperwork? That’s what happens to your documents when you partner with a reputable shredding company who destroys your discarded sensitive documents. The…
Read More Inside a Professional Shredding Service
Out of Sight, Out of Mind Have you ever considered how the things you depend on get from point A to point B? At the airport, how does your luggage get from the curb drop off to your destination airport? How does the letter you tossed into a mailbox arrive at your friend’s home on…
Read More Shred Collection Containers: How to Choose the Right Ones for Your Business
Grammarist describes the statement, “one size fits all” as an idiom, “something that will not be an exact fit and is not tailored for every circumstance, but it will suffice.” In other words, one size fits no one. Shred Collection Containers – What about Them? A reputable shredding company will supply you with secure, locked…
Read More December is Identity Theft Awareness & Prevention Month
Theft is both frustrating and costly. Sadly, during the Christmas season, gifts and other valuables become additional targets. Would you believe that even the Baby Jesus is a target? Yes, there is indeed an ongoing “tradition” of stealing Baby Jesus from nativity scenes across the US. While many owners attempt to secure the Baby Jesus,…
Read More How to Dispose of Old Hard Drives
DIY Hard Drive Destruction You will find an endless array of ideas on the internet of ways you can personally dispose of old hard drives. Some require chemicals or destructive tools, and most just require a lot of physical work. In most cases, you will still have to disassemble the outer structure to get at…
Read More Don’t Drop Your Documents in the Blue Bin
Recycle, recycle, recycle. You’ve had it drilled into your head for years to the point that now you just automatically recycle. If it feels like paper, smells like paper and looks like paper, it goes in the blue box. That’s a good thing, right? Most of the time, yes. But when it comes to confidential…
Read More When to Switch from One-Time Shredding to Routine
Observing the Changes According to the Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act (FACTA), shredding of sensitive documents is a legal obligation for all businesses. Destroying personally identifiable information (PII) protects your business, clients, and employees. If you have been shredding everything that has information on it, that’s great—but are you finding that your recycling bin…
Read More 4 Questions Every Business Should Ask Their Shredding Provider
1. Is Your Business Locally Owned? If you are invested in your community, why not plan on supporting local businesses? When you “shop local,” those businesses are able to invest in your community by employing your neighbors and supporting local initiatives. A local business is more likely to offer you better service and more flexibility…
Read More Even the Deceased Are at Risk for Identity Theft
We consider children and the elderly to be among the most vulnerable population, but when it comes to identity theft, the deceased can be even more vulnerable because they have no voice of their own. Your loved ones who have completed life’s journey can be an easy target for thieves. Window of Opportunity “Ghosting” is…
Read More What Makes an Effective Document Shredding Policy?
Document Types Identifying the types of documents your company produces will help in developing an effective document shredding policy. Some documents are governed by different laws, like the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Documents can also fall under these categories: Temporary and permanent Historical…
Read More The Biggest Threats to Your Personal Information
Identifying Your Personal Information There once was a time when protecting your personal information was barely a concern. That time is long past, and securing your identifiable information is a bigger and much more difficult challenge now. With information being available on paper and in digital format, the gaps are larger and more numerous. Personally…
Read More Choosing the Right Shred Collection Container for Your Office
Shred collection containers are bins designed to securely store your discarded sensitive documents under lock and key until they are destroyed. The containers are designed like a mailbox with a one-way slot for depositing documents for shredding. For large-scale shredding, high-capacity bins are equipped with wheels to transport them more efficiently to the shredder. But…
Read More Why All Shredding Providers Are Not the Same
What are your priorities when selecting a shredding service provider for your documents and/or data destruction? Do you have some deal-breaker requirements? You may have some preferences that affect your choices, but there are also some mandatory items to consider. Here are some issues that make some shredding providers a better choice over others. Security…
Read More 4 Reasons Mobile Shredding Beats Off-Site Shredding
Mobile shredding involves confidential documents being shredded at your place of business, using a truck equipped with a document destruction system. Off-site shredding, sometimes called plant-based shredding, refers to your sensitive documents being shredded at a secure facility operated by your document shredding service. While both services are readily offered, mobile shredding offers the following…
Read More Not All Shredding Vendors Are Equal
Like any business, some shredding vendors may not offer the services you had hoped for or expected. Document destruction companies all will shred your secure information but not all of them are the same. Here are some questions to consider before deciding on which company to use. Is the company locally owned? Locally-owned shredding companies…
Read More What is HIPAA-Compliant Shredding?
What Does HIPAA Say about Shredding? To protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without patient consent or knowledge, a list of national standards for organizations and businesses was created in 1996. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires that when sensitive information is no longer needed, it must be “rendered essentially…
Read More Tips for Disposing of Outdated Electronic Devices
According to estimates, the average lifespan of a new computer is no more than five years. As a result, companies are constantly updating their devices and are often left with stockpiles of old equipment. In this blog, we offer tips for disposing of your outdated electronic devices. Follow Information Retention Guidelines Be mindful of the…
Read More Your Confidential Documents Could End Up Halfway Across the World
A Real Commodity One person’s trash is another’s treasure. Scrap paper may seem like a nuisance, but it’s actually a vast and valuable trading commodity. Paper is one of the most widely-recycled materials in the world. Americans use 85 million tons of paper annually, and it can be recycled up to seven times. International Travels…
Read More Your Commercial Shredding Questions Answered
Most businesses are aware of security threats, but few have a thorough privacy protection strategy. A commercial shredding service can help protect your employees and customers from identity theft. In this blog, we answer your commercial shredding questions. Q: Why would I need a commercial shredding service? A: A commercial shredding service helps save time…
Read More Inside a Professional Shredding Service
Done with feeding documents into your office shredder? Wondering what it would be like to have a professional shredding company destroy your documents? In this blog post, we take you behind the scenes of a professional shredding service. Shredding Assessment All businesses and organizations have unique document disposal needs. An experienced and reputable shredding company…
Read More In House vs. Outsourced Shredding
Are you wondering what to do with your old paper records? There are big differences between shredding your document in house and outsourcing your shredding to a qualified provider. In this blog, we compare both options. Security In-house shredding is full of risks. Your employees may forget to destroy confidential documents, or even toss them…
Read More The Top 5 Excuses for Not Shredding Documents
Document shredding is a low priority for many companies and organizations. But when considering the financial and legal impacts of data breaches, document shredding should be top of mind. In this blog, we highlight five document shredding excuses to avoid. 1. Identity Theft Cannot Happen to Me No one is immune to identity theft. According…
Read More Protecting Your Child from Identity Theft
Children are easy targets for identity theft. According to a 2017 report by Javelin Strategy & Research, more than 1 million children were victims of identity theft in 2017. In this blog, we offer strategies for protecting your child’s identity. Stay “Mum” on Social Media There is nothing wrong with being a proud parent, but…
Read More Privacy Laws That Impact Your Document Shredding Practices
Eliminating clutter and preventing identity theft are two undeniable reasons to shred your unwanted documents. But beyond these practical benefits, document shredding also has a legal component that must not be ignored. In this blog, we outline several privacy laws that impact your document shredding practices. Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) GLBA requires financial institutions to develop…
Read More Document Shredding Do’s and Don’ts
Document shredding may not be rocket science, but it requires following best practices. In this blog we explain the do’s and don’ts of document shredding. Don’t: Shred Without Reviewing Your Documents Always review your documents before shredding them. Doing so helps you avoid disposing of information you may need. Do: Follow Document Disposition Schedules Holding…
Read More The Drawbacks of In-House Shredding
Routine shredding of confidential documents is a must for every business. But before implementing an in-house shredding program, consider the risks. In this blog, we discuss the drawbacks of in-house shredding. 1. Your Employees Make Document Disposal Mistakes Mistakes happen in a busy office, but one document disposal error can cause a data breach or…
Read More Document Disposal Errors to Avoid in 2021
2021 is almost here. It is the perfect time to assess your information security strategy. While some mistakes are unavoidable, bad document disposal habits can lead to trouble. In this blog, we discuss how to avoid several errors that put your information at risk. Using an Office Shredder Office shredders shred your documents into strips…
Read More 9 Great Reasons to Shred Your Documents
When you are faced with a mountain of paper, procrastination is easy. But it may lead to an abundance of problems. Here are nine great reasons to shred your documents: 1. Identity Theft Protection Documents with personal information can be stolen and misused. Shredding your unwanted credit card offers, junk mail, receipts, and paid bills…
Read More The Why, What and When of Residential Shredding
Identity theft is rising in the United States, and identity thieves do not just hack your computer. Sometimes, they steal your trash. In this blog, we explain how a residential shredding service works and protects your personal information. Why Residential Shredding? Any physical form of private information can be stolen, especially when it is discarded…
Read More 6 Identity Theft Prevention Tips
Protecting your identity should always be a top priority. Scammers always increase their efforts over the holidays. Although COVID-19 may keep you out of brick and mortar stores this year, your identity can be stolen in other ways. In this blog, we offer six strategies for keeping your personal information secure. 1. Check your Credit…
Read More 3 Ways Document Shredding Benefits Your Business
Business owners have many responsibilities. Deciding which tasks offer the biggest bang for your buck can be difficult. In this blog, we discuss three important ways document shredding benefits your business. 1. Clutter Reduction Boxes of paper and rows of file cabinets thwart productivity. Routine shredding of old and expired documents reduces clutter so your…
Read More 6 Factors to Consider When Outsourcing Your Shredding
Change is not always easy, but sometimes necessary. If you currently rely on a store-bought office shredder, it may be time to switch to a more secure and reliable information destruction solution. In this blog, we offer several factors to consider when outsourcing your shredding. 1. Chain of Custody Personally identifiable information (PII) and protected…
Read More 5 Reasons to Ditch Your Office Shredder
Think buying an office shredder will make your life easier? Think again. In this blog, we offer reasons to ditch your office shredder. 1. Efficiency Shredding documents with an office shredder is time consuming. Consider the steps it takes to shred a few files: Removing paperclips, staples, sticky notes, cardstock, and file folder or binder…
Read More The Difference between Off-Site Shredding and On-Site Mobile Shredding
Is document shredding a top priority in your company? Routine destruction of confidential documents protects your customers and employees from identity theft and ensures your company’s compliance with state and federal privacy laws. Unfortunately, not all shredding providers are equal. In this blog, we explain the differences between off-site shredding and on-site mobile shredding. The…
Read More Questions to Ask a Shredding Provider
You have decided to outsource your shredding…but how do you find a shredding provider you can trust? In this blog, we offer several questions to ask a prospective shredding provider. How long have you been shredding? Before setting up a shredding service, find out how long a prospective provider has been in businesses. Ask them…
Read More 6 Excellent Reasons to Use a Shredding Service
Anyone can toss a document into a trash can or recycling bin, but few take their document disposal practices to the next level. In this blog, we offer several reasons to use a professional shredding service. 1. Consumer Privacy Because of several recent high-profile data breaches, consumer privacy concerns have never been higher. Companies that…
Read More 4 Information Disposal Mistakes to Avoid
Mistakes happen, but some are more costly than others. Information disposal mistakes can cause a cascade of legal and financial problems for your business. In this blog, we discuss four common information disposal mistakes to avoid. 1. Ignoring Privacy Requirements Consumers have a legal right to have their privacy maintained by businesses that collect their…
Read More Answers to Your Data Destruction Questions
Privacy breach risks are a reality for every business. Do you have a cradle-to-grave solution for your data? In this blog, we answer your data destruction questions. Q: What data should I destroy? A: Destroy all expired data. Your information retention policy should contain final disposition dates to use as a guideline. If you are…
Read More Purge Shredding, Phase Shredding, and Routine Shredding: What are the Differences?
You need a more efficient and secure document destruction solution. Your slow, unreliable office paper shredder is not cutting it anymore. Puns aside, knowing what shredding service best suits your needs is not always clear. In this blog, we explain the differences between purge shredding, phase shredding, and routine shredding. Purge Shredding It is easy…
Read More COVID-19 and Identity Theft
In the shadow of the Coronavirus pandemic, Americans face an uncertain future. The crisis has forced many organizations to close their doors. But for identity thieves, it’s business as usual. COVID-19-related scams are proliferating as fraudsters capitalize on fear and uncertainty. In this blog, we identify several common scams and offer tips for protecting your…
Read More Why, When and How to Destroy Unwanted Hard Drives
To prevent identity theft, expired paper records should be shredded. But what are best practices for discarding unwanted hard drives? Do you erase them? Can they be resold? Is it okay to toss unwanted hard drives in a trash or a recycling bin? In this blog, we explain why, when, and how to destroy unwanted…
Read More 6 Shredding Myths Debunked
Shredding may seem straightforward, but every organization should use best practices when destroying documents. In this blog, we debunk six common shredding myths. Myth 1: In-House Shredding Is Secure In-house shredding is full of risks. Your employees may forget to destroy confidential documents or toss them in the trash. Outsourced shredding offers enhanced information privacy.…
Read More Reasons to Choose Mobile On-Site Shredding
Are you wondering whether to outsource your shredding? Looking for help in making your decision? In this blog, we offer several reasons to choose mobile on-site shredding. 1. Productivity Your employees may spend dozens of hours a year shredding documents with an office shredder. Files must be separated into small portions. To avoid jamming the…
Read More 5 Privacy Protection Tips for 2020
Experts project identity theft will spike in 2020. Fortunately, you can take steps to prevent your personal information from falling into the wrong hands. In this blog, we offer five tips for how to protect your privacy in the year ahead. Update Your Software Computer updates force you to stop what you’re doing and wait…
Read More 4 Things to Consider When Choosing a Shredding Provider
Corporate identity theft and business fraud rates are at an all-time high. A document shredding service can help keep your confidential data out of the wrong hands. Unfortunately, the marketplace is loaded with many sub-standard shredding companies. When choosing a shredding provider, consider the following factors. 1. Experience Anyone can start a shredding business, and…
Read More Complying with an Alphabet Soup of Privacy Laws
Keeping track of a plethora of acronyms is hard enough. Making sure your business complies with an alphabet soup of privacy laws is even harder. In this blog, we help you make sense of various state and federal regulations. EEA The Economic Espionage Act of 1996 (EEA) establishes monetary fines for the misappropriation and theft…
Read More Tips for Protecting Your Family from Identity Theft
Identity theft is on the rise. What are you doing to protect your family members from having their personal information stolen? In this blog, we offer tips for keeping your loved ones’ identities secure. Use Social Media Wisely Cybercriminals scour Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media sites for publicly-shared information. Don’t share personal details…
Read More 5 Benefits of Outsourcing Your Shredding
As a business owner, you get to choose how you dispose of outdated information. You can either shred documents yourself or hire a company to do the job. In this blog, we highlight five benefits of outsourcing your shredding. 1. Time Office shredders are inefficient. They can only shred a few sheets of paper at…
Read More Answers to Your Document Shredding Questions
First, the bad news: Identity theft and business fraud crimes have reached an all-time high. Now, here’s the good news: More businesses than ever are taking proactive steps to protect their information. As a result, we are asked a lot of questions about document shredding. In this blog, we answer some of the top questions.…
Read More Knowing Your Shredding Service Options
You have outdated paperwork, old files, and expired documents, but what’s the best way to get rid of them? It helps to know what shredding service solutions are available to help you. In this blog, we summarize several options to help you choose the right solution. Commercial Shredding Small businesses and large corporations are responsible…
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