Fact Check: Does HIPAA Specify a Shred Size for Document Destruction?

Fact checking is a crucial process that involves verifying the accuracy of reports and statements. It dates back to the 1850s with the rise of sensationalist newspapers. Inaccurate information can take various forms, such as propaganda, fake news, disinformation, and misinformation. When it comes to HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) requirements for document…

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Why Free Hard Drive Shredding is a Bad Idea

In the pursuit of cost-cutting measures within your business, it is important to proceed carefully, especially when considering “free” services. More often than not, choosing a cost-free solution leads to poor or incomplete results, often burdened with hidden catches or unmet expectations. The adage, “You get what you pay for,” holds especially true when dealing…

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Safeguarding Your Finances: Navigating Fraud Awareness Week

Fraud Awareness Week takes place from November 12-18, 2023. This annual event provides an important opportunity assess your financial security and take measures to safeguard your assets. For business leaders, it’s a chance to review security policies with your employees, while individuals can use this time to conduct an annual checkup at both work and…

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Reclaiming Your Space: A Guide to Managing Expired Files

Is your facility feeling increasingly cramped, with limited available space? It may be due to a growing number of boxes filled with expired files that are gradually taking over and stealing valuable space. If it’s become all too convenient to place expired files into a box and add it to the ever-growing stack in a…

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Shredding is for More than Just Paper

History of Shredding Since the inception of shredding, the primary purpose of a shredder has been to destroy paper documents quickly and conveniently, making the information unreadable. That same basic purpose exists today, although shredding equipment has improved and legal requirements for information destruction have become more advanced. 1930s The first shredder was created by…

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Drop-Off Shredding is Easy and Secure

If you watched Sesame Street on television when you were growing up, you might be familiar with the 1968 song, “One of These Things Is Not Like the Others.” The game of selecting the one different thing among four items was intended to engage children to be actively involved in problem solving and to observe…

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Documents You Should Be Shredding

Knowing what documents to shred, and when to shred them, is an important factor for any business that creates or handles documents containing personally identifiable information (PII). It’s your responsibility to protect your clients and employees from identity theft. To make the task more manageable, here’s a list to help you identify the types of…

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Do You Know the Data Privacy Laws Affecting Your Business?

The amount of digital data created every day is staggering. Much of the information that is created contains private and personal information. That information may belong to your clients, employees, or business partners. If any of those documents contain private information, it must be properly destroyed at the end of its lifespan. State and federal…

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