How Drop-Off Shredding Works

Whether you run a small business or a household full of paper documents, it’s important to protect you, your company, and your family against identity thieves from stealing your private information from your garbage or recycling bins. Believe it or not, choosing to shred your own documents before disposing of them is likely taking up…

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When It’s Time to Break up with Your Shredding Machine

A One-Way Conversation with the Shredding Machine It’s not you, it’s me. Wait, that’s not true. It is you. And it’s not working out. We both wanted it to work, and I kept propping up this ineffective relationship by turning a blind eye. But now I have to literally pull the plug and go my…

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4 Commonly-Forgotten Documents You Should Shred

You’re diligent about shredding documents because you know that in 2021, there were 5.7 million reports of identity theft and fraud, totaling $5.8 billion in losses, and you refuse to be a statistic. In your deliberate attempt to protect the information on your printed documents by having them professionally shredded, you may be inadvertently tossing…

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How the FACTA Disposal Rule Affects Your Business

About one of every twenty Americans are affected by identity theft. Affected US citizens lose $17 billion annually. What Does FACTA Require? The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA) Disposal Rule requires your business to properly destroy and dispose of sensitive information at the end of its lifecycle. The purpose of the disposal rule,…

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Common Misconceptions about Shredding

Whether your business shreds documents on a regular basis or not, here are a few misconceptions about shredding. Misconception #1: Shredding is Recommended, Not Mandatory The size or type of business you have has no effect on whether you are required to shred your documents or not. The fact is, the simple act of collecting,…

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Identity Theft Awareness & Prevention Month: A Primer

December Happenings When it comes to holiday celebrations and identity theft, one takes planning and the other can happen without your help. Each year, the increase in physical and digital purchases in December causes a corresponding increase in identity theft. Identity Theft Awareness and Prevention Month is intended to help consumers be more alert and…

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A Day in the Life of a Mobile Shredding Truck

It’s a Beautiful Day for Shredding It’s a beautiful Tuesday morning and the sun has just risen above the horizon. I am one of several large secure commercial trucks parked in a secure area at a shredding company, but my driver likes to refer to me as an “office on wheels.” My cargo area is…

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Why International Fraud Awareness Week is Important

Important Statistics 46% of surveyed organizations reported experiencing fraud, corruption, or other economic crimes in the last 24 months. Those odds are a clear indication of the importance of fraud awareness initiatives. While protecting against fraud is a round-the-clock requirement, International Fraud Awareness Week encourages us to know the facts, evaluate the health of our…

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It’s Purge Time for Your Records

I walked through the records department of our office. I stopped and watched as Alison, one of our staff members, was pushing the edges of file folders down as she desperately tried to close the file cabinet drawer with her shoulder while holding three other bulging file folders in her other hand. “What are you…

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