Shredding Services in Merion Station, PA

Wiggins Shred Truck On the Street

Your Merion Station, PA Shredding Services Provider

Do you have a file room, basement or closet packed with outdated files? Is your organization relocating to a new location? Would you like to increase your usable office space? All of these scenarios involve potential data breach risks, so it’s critical that you dispose of your business records in a reliable and safe fashion. Wiggins Shredding will help you keep your paperwork and information secure during the destruction process.

Secure Destruction For All Your Records

Wiggins Shredding services enable you to destroy unwanted documents and files in a timely manner without the investment of additional equipment. We offer onsite mobile shredding or drop off shredding for the disposal of your sensitive information. For each service we practice the strictest chain of custody procedures to ensure the confidentiality of your business records.

No matter what type of documents you wish to get rid of, we ensure that the privacy of your proprietary, personal or client information is maintained throughout the entire destruction process.

Outsource Your Shredding

Outsource your document destruction needs to an experienced shredding company. Shredding with Wiggins will allow you to focus on more productive tasks, saving your organization money and time. Wiggins Shredding provides outsourced shredding services that are 100% dependable, secure, and trusted by many organizations and residents in the Merion Station, PA area. From small offices to corporate giants, we offer outsourced shredding services customized to your specific budget and collection needs.

Environmentally Friendly Shredding

Many of Wiggins clients ask us what happens to the shredded papers after they have been destroyed. All paper we shred is delivered into the paper recycling stream that processes the shredded paper back into paper pulp. Recycled paper is often used to make new paper products like newsprint, toilet paper, paper towels and cardboard. Every ton of paper that is shredded and recycled saves 17 trees.

Ensure Your Peace of Mind

When you partner with Wiggins Shredding, you benefit from a secure process that follows a strict chain of custody, protecting your personal or business information from being lost or stolen. If required, we’ll provide you with lockable collection containers, to safely store documents prior to shredding. Then, you have the opportunity to witness your discarded paper being shredded onsite. This will give you peace of mind knowing that all information has been destroyed and there is no chance of it becoming exposed.

Are You Ready To Book Your Appointment?

Wiggins Shredding will take your call, answer questions and help you choose the right document destruction service for your unique situation. We will also provide you with an immediate quote that includes no hidden fees or extra charges. We’ll work with you to determine a shredding appointment that fits into your schedule. Call us today or fill in the form on this page to get started.


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