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Protecting Your Child from Identity Theft

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Young boy working on laptop computerChildren are easy targets for identity theft. According to a 2017 report by Javelin Strategy & Research, more than 1 million children were victims of identity theft in 2017. In this blog, we offer strategies for protecting your child’s identity.

Stay “Mum” on Social Media

There is nothing wrong with being a proud parent, but “sharenting” on social media puts your child’s identity at risk. Cybercriminals scour Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media sites for publicly-shared information. Avoid sharing your child’s personal information on social media. Set your social media feeds to “private” so only trusted followers can view them.

Shred Unwanted Documents

Do not discard documents with your child’s personal information in a trash can or recycling bin. Curbside receptacles offer an easy way for identity thieves to steal your personal information. A residential shredding provider offers a secure solution for discarding unwanted paper records. A security-screened shredding representative comes to your home, collects documents from your doorstep, and destroys them with a mobile shredding truck while you watch.

Only Give Out Information to Authorized Parties

You are not the only person responsible for protecting your child’s privacy. Organizations that collect data about your child must abide by the law. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) prevents educational institutions from prevents educational institutions from distributing student records to anyone other than parents or organizations without written permission.

If student information is breached, the organization held responsible can be subject to a withholding of federal funds and payments. Make sure that educational organizations collecting data about your child comply with FERPA.

Practice Good Cybersecurity Habits

Children are spending more and more time online. Cybercriminals target home WiFi networks. To prevent your child’s data from being hacked, protect your router with a firewall, WPA-2 encryption, and a strong password.

Destroy Old Devices

Your child’s devices contain massive amounts of data that is hard to get rid of. When upgrading or replacing your child’s devices, partner with a e-Destruction provider. A certified, security-screened technician destroys your unwanted electronic devices and recycles the shredded material.

Follow these tips to keep your child’s personal information safe.

Wiggins Shredding serves Pennsylvania and the Tri-State Area of Maryland, Delaware and New Jersey with secure shredding and destruction services. We are your trusted, locally-owned paper shredding resource!

For more information on our shredding services, please call us at 610-692-TEAR(8327) or complete the form on this page.

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